Alutiiq Grown
Growing Lettuce in Vertical Harvest Hydroponics Sunny Pro XL Cabinet
Alutiiq Grown was organized by KALI in 2019 to provide the regional nexus necessary to develop and support our soil, hydroponic and mariculture farmers in branding, marketing, training and information exchanges..
KALI provides marketing materials with the Alutiiq Grown logo and assists farms with building their own customized logo. This builds customer recognition of our local producers and their unique cultural heritage. KALI manages the online Qik’rtaq Food Hub as a regional marketing platform for our Alutiiq Grown farms’ production. The Qik’rtaq Food Hub is working with the state to support farmer participation in the USDA Local Food Purchase Assistance program.
KALI coordinates the Alutiiq Grown bi-monthly meetings where our new and experienced farmers share information and provide recommendations and feedback to ensure a relevant, year-round training program. These KALI supported training activities bring beginning farmers together with other experienced farmers, researchers and USDA personnel and foster critical relationships. KALI provides a regular cycle of workshops, technical site visits, farm practicums webinars, and access to capital training to build long-term farm sustainability. And the Alutiiq Grown website makes available online training resources specific to our region.
These critical exchanges inform our region’s planning for future KALI and Alutiiq Grown supported regional initiatives. Looking ahead, our farmers have requested seed saving workshops and a grow-out program to encourage a regional seed bank for Kodiak adopted crops. Farmers also expressed interest in expanding into value-added products and specialty crops such as mushrooms to increase farm sustainability.
In many ways, Alutiiq Grown is our region’s farming family.
For more information on Alutiiq Grown, please visit us at